CGPA to GPA calculator- Calculate your CGPA to GPA & GPA to CGPA

Grading systems can vary widely across institutions and countries, making it essential to understand how to convert between different scales. One common conversion is from Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to Grade Point Average (GPA). 

This guide will explain the conversion process, how to Calculate CGPA to GPA, and why it is important for students in different educational systems.

CGPA to GPA and GPA to CGPA Converter
Your GPA is:
Your CGPA is:

CGPA to GPA Converter:

A CGPA to GPA converter helps students change their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into a Grade Point Average (GPA). This is useful when applying to international universities, especially in countries like the U.S. that use a 4-point GPA scale.

The converter makes it easy to calculate your GPA from a 10-point CGPA scale. Many universities or tools provide online CGPA to GPA converters, allowing students to quickly get their scores in the required format.

GPA to CGPA Converter:

A GPA to CGPA converter does the reverse—it converts your GPA (usually on a 4-point scale) into a CGPA (often on a 10-point scale, like in India). This is important for students who are studying abroad or moving to a country that uses CGPA instead of GPA.

By using a simple formula, students can easily calculate their CGPA from their GPA to match the local grading system.

What is GPA?

GPA full form is Grade Point Average, measures a student’s academic performance over a specific period, such as a semester. It is typically represented on a scale of 4.0, with grades ranging from A (excellent) to F (failing). 

This formula is used to Calculate GPA:

GPA Formula
GPA = Sum of Grade Points Number of Courses

Maintaining a high GPA is crucial, as it can improve chances for scholarships and admissions to famous universities.

What is CGPA?

CGPA Full form is Cumulative Grade Point Average, which means a student’s overall academic performance across multiple semesters. It is calculated by averaging the grade points in all over semesters. 

This formula is used to Calculate CGPA:

CGPA Formula
CGPA = Total Grade Points of All Semesters Total Number of Semesters

For example, if grades over six semesters are as follows:

SemesterGrade Range

Differences Between GPA and CGPA

The key difference between GPA and CGPA is that GPA represents performance in a specific period, while CGPA considers performance across multiple Semesters.

Why Convert CGPA to GPA?

Students often need to convert CGPA to GPA when applying to institutions abroad. Different universities may use their own ways to convert grades, and some may ask for an evaluation from approved agencies.

Converting Indian CGPA to US GPA

To convert an Indian CGPA to an American GPA, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Indian CGPA Scale:
CGPA RangeGrade
9.1 – 10A1
8.1 – 9.0A2
7.1 – 8.0B1
6.1 – 7.0B2
5.1 – 6.0C1
4.1 – 5.0C2
3.1 – 4.0D1

Convert CGPA to Percentage:

Multiply the CGPA by 9.5 to get the percentage.


Convert Percentage to GPA:

Use this general conversion table for the American 4.0 GPA scale:

Below 70%Below 2.0

Example Calculation:

If you have a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, convert it to a 10-point CGPA using:

CGPA Formula
CGPA = ( GPA 4 ) × 10

Substituting the GPA value:

CGPA Formula
CGPA = ( 3.5 4 ) × 10 = 8.75

Thus, a 4-point GPA of 3.5 converts to a 10-point CGPA of 8.75.

Tips for Achieving a Strong GPA or CGPA

Here are some practical tips to help you achieve a strong GPA or CGPA:

  1. Develop Consistent Study Habits: Regular study sessions prevent last-minute cramming and reduce anxiety. This consistency helps you grasp concepts better and prepares you thoroughly for exams.
  2. Resolve Doubts Promptly: Address any doubts or questions as soon as they arise. Quickly clearing up doubts helps you understand better and stops confusion from growing.
  3. Set Clear Goals: Establish target grades for your GPA or CGPA. Having specific goals can increase motivation and direct your efforts toward academic success.
  4. Seek Additional Support: If you struggle with certain subjects, don’t hesitate to seek help from teachers, peers, or extra resources. Additional support can significantly improve your performance.
  5. Attempt Every Question: Try to answer all questions in exams, even if you are unsure. A well-educated guess can sometimes yield positive results.
  6. Maintain Motivation and Health: Stay physically and mentally healthy through activities like exercise and meditation. A healthy mind and body help to get better academic performance.

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Is a 3.5 GPA considered good?

Yes, a 3.5 GPA is generally considered above average and is often seen as a strong academic performance.

What is a CGPA to GPA calculator?

A CGPA to GPA calculator is a tool used to convert CGPA scores into GPA scores. This is useful for students applying to universities with different grading systems.

Can I get into an Ivy League school with a lower GPA?

Ivy League schools typically have high GPA expectations, usually above 3.8. However, other factors like extracurriculars and personal statements also play a role.

Are conversion guidelines consistent across institutions?

Conversion guidelines may vary between institutions. Some universities provide their own conversion tables or require external credential evaluations.